Revolved Triangle Pose: A Twisting Yoga Asana for Balance and Strength

Revolved Triangle Pose: A Twisting Yoga Asana for Balance and Strength

Revolved Triangle Pose Yoga (Parivrtta Trikonasana)

Welcome to the world of yoga! In this article, we will explore the Revolved Triangle Pose, a powerful asana that combines balance, strength, and flexibility. Whether you are a seasoned yogi or just starting your yoga journey, the Revolved Triangle Pose offers numerous benefits for both the body and mind. Let’s dive in and discover the wonders of this invigorating pose.

Understanding Revolved Triangle Pose

Revolved Triangle Pose, also known as Parivrtta Trikonasana, is a standing twist that stretches and strengthens various muscle groups in the body. This asana is a variation of the traditional Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) and involves twisting the torso while maintaining a stable base. The twist engages the core, opens the hips and shoulders, and promotes spinal flexibility.

Benefits of Revolved Triangle Pose

  1. Improved Spinal Mobility: Revolved Triangle Pose increases the range of motion in the spine, enhancing overall flexibility and relieving stiffness.
  2. Strengthened Core: The twisting motion engages the abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back, resulting in a stronger core and improved posture.
  3. Enhanced Digestion: The twist in this pose stimulates the abdominal organs, promoting healthy digestion and relieving digestive issues.
  4. Increased Leg Strength: Revolved Triangle Pose targets the legs, particularly the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves, promoting strength and stability in the lower body.
  5. Improved Balance: This asana challenges your balance and proprioception, helping you develop stability and focus.
  6. Detoxification: The twisting motion stimulates the internal organs, aiding in the removal of toxins from the body and promoting overall detoxification.

Step-by-Step Guide to Practice Revolved Triangle Pose

Preparing for the Pose

Before attempting Revolved Triangle Pose, it is essential to warm up your body and gather the necessary equipment.

Warm-up Exercises

Perform a few rounds of Sun Salutation to warm up your entire body. Additionally, include hip-opening exercises, such as Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana) or Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), to prepare your hips for the deep stretch involved in Revolved Triangle Pose.

Required Equipment

To practice Revolved Triangle Pose, you don’t need any specific equipment. However, using a yoga mat for added comfort and stability is recommended.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now, let’s go through the step-by-step instructions to perform Revolved Triangle Pose correctly.

1. Starting Position

Begin in a standing position at the top of your mat, with your feet hip-width apart. Keep your spine straight and engage your core muscles.

2. Establishing a Firm Base

Take a big step forward with your right foot, ensuring that your feet are approximately three to four feet apart. Align your heels, with the right heel in line with the arch of your left foot.

3. Extending the Arms

As you inhale, raise both arms to shoulder height, parallel to the ground. Keep your palms facing down.

4. Twisting the Torso

Exhale and rotate your torso to the right, shifting your weight onto your right leg. Bring your left hand to the outside of your right foot, placing it firmly on the ground. Your right hand should be extended upwards, reaching for the sky.

5. Gazing Upward

Direct your gaze toward your right hand, maintaining a steady focus. This will help to improve balance and concentration during the pose.

6. Holding the Pose

Hold the pose for five deep breaths, maintaining a stable and steady position. Keep your core engaged, and try to deepen the twist with each exhalation.


Revolved Triangle Pose can be modified or adapted to suit your individual needs and abilities. Here are a few variations to explore:

1. Using a Block

If you find it challenging to reach the ground with your hand, place a yoga block on the outside of your right foot and rest your hand on it. This modification provides support and stability while maintaining the essence of the pose.

2. Revolved Triangle Pose with a Bind

For a deeper twist and shoulder stretch, you can incorporate a bind into the pose. After reaching your right hand towards the sky, wrap it around your back, reaching towards your left hip. Simultaneously, reach your left hand behind your back, aiming to clasp the right hand. This variation requires openness in the shoulders and increased flexibility.

3. Supported Revolved Triangle Pose

If you struggle with balance or have limited mobility, you can practice this pose with the support of a wall. Stand next to a wall, and as you twist your torso, place your left hand on the wall for support. This modification allows you to focus on the spinal twist and opening of the chest.

Variations of Parivrtta Trikonasana

  1. Bound Revolved Triangle Pose: From the standard Revolved Triangle Pose, reach your left arm underneath your right thigh and clasp your hands behind your back. This variation intensifies the stretch and requires greater flexibility.
  2. Revolved Half Moon Pose: From Revolved Triangle Pose, transfer your weight onto your left foot and lift your right leg off the ground. Extend your right arm towards the front, creating a straight line with your body. This variation challenges balance and strengthens the legs.

Tips for Practicing Parivrtta Trikonasana

  • Engage your core muscles to maintain stability and support your spine throughout the pose.
  • Focus on the lengthening of the spine while twisting, avoiding collapsing or rounding the back.
  • Keep the hips level and facing forward to ensure proper alignment and balance.
  • Breathe deeply and smoothly, allowing the breath to guide your movements and deepen the twist.
  • Practice with patience and mindfulness, respecting the limitations and uniqueness of your own body.

Breathing Techniques in Revolved Triangle Pose

In Parivrtta Trikonasana, focus on deep and controlled breathing. As you inhale, lengthen your spine, and as you exhale, deepen the twist. Use the following breathing technique:

  • Inhale: Lengthen the spine, lift the chest, and expand the ribcage.
  • Exhale: Maintain the length in the spine while twisting deeper, using the core muscles to support the movement.

Revolved Triangle Pose for Beginners

If you are new to yoga or practicing Parivrtta Trikonasana for the first time, follow these modifications:

  • Use a block or a chair to support your hand if reaching the floor is challenging.
  • Start with a shallow twist and gradually deepen the pose as your flexibility and strength improve.
  • Focus on maintaining balance and stability throughout the pose.

Revolved Triangle Pose for Advanced Practitioners

For advanced practitioners, try these variations to intensify the pose:

  • Deepen the twist by extending your top arm further towards the ceiling.
  • Experiment with binding your hands behind your back to enhance the stretch and challenge your flexibility.
  • Transition from Revolved Triangle Pose to other standing balances or inversions, such as Revolved Half Moon Pose or Handstand.

Understanding the Alignment in Parivrtta Trikonasana

Proper alignment is crucial in Parivrtta Trikonasana to maximize its benefits and prevent injuries:

  • Ensure that your front foot is pointing straight ahead, while the back foot is turned out to a 90-degree angle.
  • Ground down through the outer edge of your back foot to maintain stability and balance.
  • Stack your shoulders vertically over your hips and extend your top arm in line with your shoulder.
  • Keep your spine long and avoid collapsing or rounding your back.

12. Balancing Effort and Ease in Revolved Triangle Pose

In Parivrtta Trikonasana, finding the balance between effort and ease is essential for a harmonious practice:

  • Engage your muscles to maintain stability and alignment.
  • Allow yourself to find a sense of ease and relaxation in the pose, particularly in your breath and facial expression.
  • Avoid forcing or straining in the twist, and instead, focus on a gentle and gradual progression.

Chakra Focus in Parivrtta Trikonasana

Parivrtta Trikonasana activates and balances the following chakras:

  • Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra): The twist in the pose stimulates the Manipura chakra, promoting confidence, personal power, and transformation.
  • Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra): The expansion of the chest in Revolved Triangle Pose opens the heart chakra, fostering compassion, love, and emotional well-being.

Intensifying the Stretch in Revolved Triangle Pose

To intensify the stretch in Parivrtta Trikonasana, try the following techniques:

  • Root down through your feet and legs while simultaneously reaching through your fingertips and crown of the head.
  • Engage your core muscles and use them to deepen the twist.
  • Experiment with different arm positions, such as extending your top arm forward or wrapping it around your back.

Incorporating Revolved Triangle Pose into Your Yoga Practice

Revolved Triangle Pose can be practised as part of a well-rounded yoga sequence or as an individual pose. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your practice:

  1. Warm up your body with a few rounds of Sun Salutations or gentle stretching.
  2. Practice standing poses like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Warrior Pose (Warrior I and Warrior II) to prepare your legs and hips.
  3. Move into Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) to open your side body and lengthen your hamstrings.
  4. Transition into Revolved Triangle Pose, holding it on each side for an equal amount of time.
  5. Follow up with gentle twists and forward folds to release any tension in the spine.

Practicing Revolved Triangle Pose for Mind and Body

Revolved Triangle Pose not only offers physical benefits but also promotes mental and emotional well-being. As you twist and lengthen your spine, you encourage the flow of energy throughout your body, revitalizing your system and calming your mind. Embrace the following aspects of the pose:

  • Cultivate a sense of balance and stability within yourself.
  • Let go of any tension or stress as you exhale and deepen the twist.
  • Focus on your breath and the sensations in your body, grounding yourself in the present moment.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Overarching the Lower Back: Maintain a neutral spine and avoid excessive arching in the lower back. Engage your core muscles to support the twist.
  2. Collapsing the Chest: Keep your chest open and broad, avoiding the tendency to collapse forward. Imagine reaching your sternum forward as you twist.
  3. Straining the Neck: Keep your neck in line with the rest of your spine. Avoid hyperextending or compressing the cervical spine.


Revolved Triangle Pose, or Parivrtta Trikonasana, is a powerful yoga posture that offers numerous physical and mental benefits. By incorporating this pose into your regular practice, you can strengthen your core, improve digestion, increase spinal mobility, and enhance your overall well-being. Remember to practice with awareness, respect your body’s limitations, and breathe deeply throughout the pose. With regular practice, you will experience the transformative effects of Parivrtta Trikonasana.

FAQs Related to Revolved Triangle Pose (Parivrtta Trikonasana)

1. Is Revolved Triangle Pose suitable for beginners?
Yes, beginners can practice Revolved Triangle Pose with modifications and by gradually increasing their flexibility and strength.
2. Can I practice Revolved Triangle Pose if I have knee pain?
If you experience knee pain, it is advisable to modify the pose by placing a block under your lower hand or practicing a gentler variation of the twist.
3. How does Revolved Triangle Pose benefit digestion?
The twisting motion stimulates the digestive organs, improving circulation and aiding in digestion and elimination.
4. Can I practice Revolved Triangle Pose during pregnancy?
It is best to avoid deep twists during pregnancy. Consult with a prenatal yoga teacher for safe modifications.
5. How long should I hold Revolved Triangle Pose?
Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths on each side, gradually increasing the duration as you become more comfortable with the pose.

Incorporating Revolved Triangle Pose into your yoga practice can provide a wide range of physical and mental benefits. By following the step-by-step instructions, variations, and precautions outlined in this article, you can safely and effectively practice Parivrtta Trikonasana. Embrace the transformative power of this pose and enjoy the journey of self-discovery and well-being through yoga.

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